Indigenous Studies

Big Ideas



  • Cultural Distinctions or Diversity in Identity
  • Seeing Similarities Through Unity & Reconciliation
  • Connections to Ancestral and Traditional Knowledge
  • Importance and Role of Kinship and Community
  • The Role of the Past and its Influence on the Present & Future 

Short Texts:


Personal Essay

Poem/Song Lyrics

Blog Entry

Historical Documents


Media Texts:




Animated Short

Music Video

Podcast/Radio Program

In-Print GPSS Library Resources

  • Here is a link to the in-print resources you can find within the Library using the keyword “Indigenous”
  • To locate non-fiction resources, you will need to look at the first three digits to determine the class (ie. 500 = science), then use the digits following the decimal to better refine your search (ex. 500.3 comes before 500.368) 
  • To locate fiction resources, use the three letters on the spine label.  All books are in alphabetical order.

Try these basic strategies to research online platforms, including those available through the WRDSB.

Helpful Hints for Keyword Searches:

  • Combine keywords relating to the concept of Indigenous identity AND keywords for different forms of new media. For example:
“First Nations”           Indigenous                 Aboriginal               Native                Inuit
“Personal Essay,” “Animated Short,” “Music Video,” “Digital artists,” “Blog entry” 
  • Use quotation marks to search for a phrase.
    • Example: “First Nations”
  • Use a question mark to truncate a term to search for words with the same stem.
    • Example: Art? retrieves Art, Artist, Artwork, Artifact, etc.
    • Truncation symbols/wildcard characters may vary by database; common symbols include: *, !, ?, or #

Short Texts:

Aboriginal Healing Foundations (speeches)

Media Texts