Math Teachers
Ms. Armstrong
Mrs. Dittmer (Department Head)
Mr. Heaps
Mr. McCarville
Ms. McCrudden
Mrs. MacKay
Mr. Morland
Mr. Shaw
Mr. Whiffin
Math Courses
MAT1LI – Fast Forward Mathematics
MTH1WI – Destreamed Mathematics
MAT 2LI – Fast Forward Mathematics
MPM2DI – Grade 10 Single Streamed Mathematics
MPM2DW – Pre – I.B. Mathematics
MCR3UW – Pre – I.B. Mathematics
MEL3EB – Fast Forward Essential Mathematics
MEL3EI – Essential Mathematics
MBF3CI – Collage Mathematics
MCF3MI – Functions and Applications
MCR3UI – Functions
MHF4UW – Year 1 I.B. Mathematics
MEL4EB -Fast Forward Essential Mathematics
MEL4EI – Essential Mathematics
MAP4CI – Foundations for College Mathematics
MCT4CI – Mathematics for College Technology
MDM4UI – Data Management
MHF4UI – Advanced Functions
MCV4UI – Calculus and Vectors
MCV4UW – Year 2 I.B. Mathematics
Grade 9
This course is intended for students who are working below Grade 8 level in Mathematics. This course uses real-life situations such as money and measurement to increase the understanding and relevancy of Mathematics to the students.
This course enables students to consolidate, and continue to develop, an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense and operations, algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial literacy. Students will use mathematical processes, mathematical modelling, and coding to make sense of the mathematics they are learning and to apply their understanding to culturally responsive and relevant real-world situations. Students will continue to enhance their mathematical reasoning skills, including proportional reasoning, spatial reasoning, and algebraic reasoning, as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.
Grade 10
Students will continue to study Mathematics using real-life contexts with an emphasis on topics that relate to the Fast Forward programs offered in the school
This course lays the foundation for success in Mathematics courses in grades 11 and 12. The course focuses on Quadratic Relationships, Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry.
This course is intended for students who are in the I.B. programme. MPM2DW focuses on Quadratic Relationships, Analytic Geometry, Trigonometry, and introduces Exponential relationships.
This course is intended for students who are in the I.B. programme. MCR3UW focuses on functions analysis, including Quadratic/Polynomial, Trigonometric, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
Grade 11
This course is intended for students in the Fast Forward program. The course will focus on relevant money management topics such as earning money, paying taxes, saving, investing and borrowing. Some topics will be specifically related to Fast Forward sectors.
The focus of this course is on the Mathematics of day-to-day living. Students will solve problems involving money management including earning money, paying taxes, saving, investing and borrowing and the costs associated with transportation and travel.
The focus of this course is investigating the use of mathematics to solve problems in the real world. Students will apply mathematics to solve problems involving quadratic relations, measurement and geometry, compound interest, financial decisions and data analysis.
Students will continue to enhance their algebraic skills and study functions useful in modelling real-life situations including financial applications.
this course is designed to continue study of trigonometry and simplifying polynomial and rational expressions, the main focus of the course is function analysis.
This course is the first of two courses for students in the I.B. programme. MHF4UW students will focus on Statistics, Probability and continue work with functions. They will also be introduced to their IA component of the I.B. programme. This course is only available for students who are in the I.B. mathematics programme.
Grade 12
This course is intended for students in the Fast Forward program.This course enables students to broaden their understanding of Mathematics as it is applied to day-to-day living. Students will investigate problems in probability and statistics, household budgets, proportional reasoning, measurement and geometry.
This course enables students to broaden their understanding of Mathematics as it is applied to day-to-day living. Students will investigate problems in probability and statistics, household budgets, proportional reasoning, measurement and geometry.
This course provides preparation for many college programs including Business, Health Sciences and Human Services. Students solve problems involving home ownership, trigonometry, geometry and measurement to solve real-world applications and use statistical methods to analyze problems.
This course enables students to extend their knowledge of functions. Students will investigate and apply properties of polynomial, exponential and trigonometric functions; continue to represent functions numerically, graphically and algebraically
This University level course is ideal for students entering Business, Social Sciences or any field that requires statistical analysis. Topics of study include: organizing data, counting techniques, probability and statistics. The focus of this course is a culminating research project undertaken by the student on a topic of his/her choice.
This course continues the study and application of a variety of functions, and develops the concepts and skills necessary for the study of mathematics in post- secondary programs.
This University level course is intended for students pursuing post-secondary programs in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics or Engineering. The course provides an introduction to Calculus concepts and geometric/algebraic representations of vectors, lines and planes in three-dimensional space.
This course is the second of two courses for students in the I.B. programme. MCV4UW students will focus on Calculus and Vectors, while also providing an appropriate amount of time for students to complete their IA component of the I.B. programme. This course is only available for students who are in the I.B. mathematics programme who have completed MCV4UW.