“Because the people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs
Mrs. Hall Teacher fatima_hall@wrdsb.ca |
Mr. Scheele Department Head email: thies_scheele@wrdsb.ca |
Ms. Susiwala Teacher julie_susiwala@wrdsb.ca |
Why business studies?
Because we all eventually work with other people in organizations or businesses! For-profit or not-for-profit, private sector or public sector, it doesn’t matter, people work and collaborate with others to get things done and that requires business knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs).
Here is a video explaining the Handout below:
This handout shows the Business Studies opportunities available for students in grades 10 through 12:
This slide deck outlines the IB Business Management course for IB students which is taken in grade 11:
BBI 1OI Introduction to Business (can be taken in grade 10)
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the world of business, including concepts and skills required for opening or operating a business. Students are introduced to the basic parts of businesses including production, managing, marketing, accounting and entrepreneurship. Financial topics including banking, credit and budgeting are also covered. Students can only get one credit from BBI 1OI, BBI 2OI.
BTT 1OI Introduction to Business Technology (can be taken in grade 10)
Course Description:
Students will be introduced to industry standard software (Microsoft Office), presentation software and research techniques using the Internet. This course will allow students to become familiar with the computer system at Glenview and will provide them with essential skills that will help them with all of their future courses. Students can get only one credit from BTT 1OI, BTT 2OI and BTT 2OB
BAF3MI Financial Accounting Fundamentals (can be taken in grade 10)
Course Description:
Students are introduced to accounting procedures (journal entries and preparing worksheets) all based on everyday business transactions. Students will also produce financial statements such as balance sheets and income statements based on the accounting skills developed in the course. Financial analysis is also covered. This course is strongly recommended for any student planning on specializing in any business program post-secondary.
BMI3CI Marketing: Goods, Services, and Events
Course Description:
This course explores the fundamental concepts of marketing including how businesses set prices, develop new products, and create effective advertising campaigns. Learn how companies convince consumers to buy their products by following the current trends in marketing. Students can get only one credit from BMI3CI and BMI3EI.
Course Description:
This course explores the fundamental concepts of marketing including how businesses set prices, develop new products, and create effective advertising campaigns. Learn how companies convince consumers to buy their products by following the current trends in marketing.
CLU3MI Introduction to Canadian Law
Course Description
This course explores the legal issues that affect students’ lives. They will acquire practical knowledge of Canada’s legal system. Topics include rights and freedoms, criminal laws, employment law, and civil lawsuits. Students will also meet guest speakers, take part in a mock trial and participate in a field trip to the Waterloo Region Courthouse.
BBB4MI International Business Fundamentals
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international markets. Students will learn about the techniques and strategies associated with marketing, distribution, and managing international business effectively through researching a country and Canadian company of their choice and writing a Market Entry proposal. This course prepares students for postsecondary programs in business, including international business, marketing and management.
BOH4MI Management Fundamentals
Course Description:
This course focuses on the development of management skills that will be useful for students interested in being a manger in any profession. Students will learn management tools and approaches applicable to the organizational functions of human resources, operations and supply management, and marketing. This case-based course emphasizes effective communication skills, ethics, and social responsibility.
CLN4UI Canadian and International Law
Course Description:
This course involves an overview of the Canadian legal system and an in depth exploration of international legal cases and issues. Topics include: constitutional rights and freedoms, criminal laws, criminology, and genocide. A field trip to the Waterloo Region Courthouse, guest speakers and a mock trial are additional components.
DECA is Glenview Park’s business case competition team. Students have the opportunity to compete against other students at regional, provincial, and international competitions. Competitors will present their solutions to local business people and write a multiple choice test. DECA is a fantastic opportunity for all students who are looking to stand out crowd and be noticed by post-secondary schools.
University of Waterloo Financial Literacy Competition
Grade 9 and 10 business students have the opportunity to compete against other students from across the province in the University of Waterloo Financial Literacy Competition. Students can win prizes for being top finishers at their school and scholarships are available for those that win provincially.