Affinity Groups

Subject Area



Asian Student Association


Central Asia

East Asia

North Asia

South Asia

Southeast Asia

Southwest Asia


Central Asia (consist of five former Soviet Socialist Republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan; in a wider view, Xinjiang of western China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, and northern Pakistan are included)

East Asia (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Tibet, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea)

North Asia (Asian part of Russia and consists of three federal districts of Russia: Ural, Siberian, and the Far Eastern)

South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka)

Southeast Asia (Southeast Asia is often split into two parts: Mainland Southeast Asia, comprising Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam; and Maritime Southeast Asia, which includes Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, East Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. China has historically influenced the region more than India, most notably through the large Chinese populations in many of the countries of the region)

Southwest Asia  (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, most of Turkey, and part of Egypt)


  • National Film Board playlist: Asian Communities in Canada
  • CBC GEM: Asian Heritage Month: A collection of documentaries, films and shows that honour the rich culture of Asian Canadians.
  • Iron Road: The story of Iron Road presents an ideal opportunity to educate young people about the history of the Chinese community in Canada, the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the cultural diversity of our nation
  • A Passage Beyond Fortune: An homage to the culturally significant but buried history of Chinese-Canadian communities in Moose Jaw 

Heritage Minutes: The following four-minute-long films provide a sample of Heritage Minutes that touch upon Asian heritage in the Canadian context.


Gay Straight Alliance



Additional Resources


Muslim Student Association



Islam & The Prophet Muhammad

Additional Resources

    • El-Tawhid Juma Circle Gender-equal, LGBT-affirming mosque.
    • Ismaili Queers: Advocates for Pluralism International group with large representation in Toronto. Contact
    • Salaam Canada: Salaam Canada is a volunteer-run national organization dedicated to creating space for people who identify as both Muslim and queer and trans.
    • “this article …. confront[s] the implicit way Black Muslims are often regarded as fringe associates rather than inherent fellows.”
    • “it has become apparent that simple and naïve binaries, such as reason vs. revelation, rationalist vs. scripturalist, Golden Age vs. Dark Ages, and philosopher vs. mulla, must simply be discarded”
  • “when I started, I thought there may be thirty to forty women, but as the study progressed, the accounts of female scholars kept growing and growing, until eventually there were no less than 8,000 biographical accounts to be found. Such vast numbers truly testify to the huge role that women have played in the preservation and development of Islamic learning since the time of the blessed Prophet Muhammad.”

Students Exploring Christianity

Good places to find sources for students:

The Bible Online 

Christian Musicians

Videos To Watch

Books To Read (some of these authors and titles can be found in the Cambridge Public Library)

Websites To Explore

People To Check Out

Your Questions Investigated

School contact regarding your questions about Christianity and the “Panthers Exploring Christianity” group at Glenview.  Send me a question.  I’ll do my best to get back to you with a response.