Tell us about your experience with our French Immersion program

We are seeking public input on how we deliver our French Language Instruction programs in elementary and secondary schools. In June 2017, our Board of Trustees passed a motion for staff to review the French Immersion program in the WRDSB. This review will look at equitable access to French programs for each student, staffing challenges, […]

A Message Regarding the Attacks in Sri Lanka

On Easter Sunday, we awoke to news of yet another senseless attack in Sri Lanka, that has left over 300 people dead and several others wounded. We stand together in grieving this tragedy with our Christian community and those affected. We are a school district for all of Waterloo Region, no matter what your background […]

April 12 is a PD Day for all teaching and paraprofessional staff

Friday, April 12, 2019 is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff. Students will not attend school, and all Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) operated before and after school programs will be closed. Elementary Teachers will participate in a full day of professional development planned by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation […]

EXTENDED: Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members

We have extended the deadline for applications to Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members. They invite parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in one of our schools to apply. The fundamental fact is that parents + engagement = student success. Your involvement with PIC can help us optimize […]

Information Regarding “Students Say No” – April 4, 2019

We have been made aware that across the province, on Thursday, April 4th, students are talking about walking out of their classes to demonstrate their feelings about the recently announced changes regarding our public education system. As educators, we respect the right of students to express their voice in a positive and respectful way, where […]

Register for our free family engagement series

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) together with Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC) and Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) are hosting a series of free events for parents and caregivers. The theme for this year’s event is PARENT ENGAGEMENT: Lets Build Our Toolkit for Success. Registration for these events is required. Date: Wednesday, March […]

OSSLT Information Update

On Wednesday, March 27, Grade 10 students will write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). Any senior students who have yet to complete this graduation requirement will also write on March 27, 2019.The Literacy Test, administered by Ontario’s Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), is used to determine whether a student has the literacy […]

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members – apply today

Our Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members. They invite parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in one of our schools to apply. The fundamental fact is that parents + engagement = student success. Your involvement with PIC can help us optimize this equation. The mandate for this committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent […]

A Message Regarding the Attacks in New Zealand

This morning, we awoke to the news of yet another terrorist attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, that has left 49 people dead and several others wounded. We stand together in grieving this tragedy with our community. This senseless act will impact the thousands of students, staff, families and community members we welcome […]

Have your say in our funding priorities – take our survey

There is still time to have your say and participate in our annual budget survey. By participating, you will tell us which funding priorities we should consider as we prepare our budget for the 2019-2020 school year, and beyond. Please complete our short survey to help us identify what areas matter to our communities. The survey […]

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