Competent historical thinkers understand both the vast differences that separate us from our ancestors and the ties that bind us to them; they can analyze historical artifacts and documents, which can give them some of the best understandings of times gone by; they can assess the validity and relevance of historical accounts, when they are used to support entry into a war, voting for a candidate, or any of the myriad decisions knowledgeable citizens in a democracy must make. All this requires “knowing the facts”, but “knowing the facts” is not enough. Historical thinking does not replace historical knowledge: the two are related and interdependent.
Peter Seixas, “‘Scaling Up’ the Benchmarks of Historical Thinking” (2008)
History Teachers
Mr. McGrath
Mr. Gingerich
Mr. Nixon
Mr. Sprenger
Mr. Yeaman (Department Head)
History Courses
International Baccalaureate offerings:
CHA 3UW – History of the Americas (IB HL – Year 1)
CHY 4UW – History of the Americas (IB HL – Year 2)