October 7th, 2022
The Ontario Ministry of Education has introduced a new graduation requirement for secondary students to complete two online credits as part of the 30 credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The new graduation requirement begins with students who entered grade 9 in the 2020-2021 school year. In other words, this applies to students who are in grade 9 or grade 10 in the 2021-2022 school year.
What are online courses or credits?
Online courses or credits, sometimes called eLearning courses, are delivered entirely using the internet. They do not require students to be physically present with one another or with their teacher in the school, except where they may be needed for examinations and other final evaluations and/or access to internet connectivity, learning devices or other school-based supports. Usually the school will communicate the online courses that are available through the course calendar and course selection process.
How do I opt-out of the mandatory online course graduation requirement?
Parents and guardians of students may choose to have their child opt-out of the mandatory online learning courses required for graduation from secondary school. If you have a child who started grade 9 on or after September 1, 2020 and would like to have them opt-out of the mandatory online learning courses in secondary school, please complete the WRDSB Online Learning Graduation Requirement Opt-Out Form. and submit it to the school’s main office.