From Tuesday April 18 to Friday April 21st, GPSS will be celebrating Earth Week by hosting our annual 1000 Acts of Green Challenge. Each day will have a theme to encourage participation in green activities and initiatives. See schedule below:

  • Travel Mug Tuesday – Bring your coffee, tea and hot chocolate in a travel mug
  • Water Wednesday – Bring your reusable water bottle to fill up at a hydration station
  • Think Green Thursday – Wear green, act green, think green… every little bit helps!
  • Final Tally Friday – During home room, all acts of green will be tallied 🙂

Our goal this year is to combine our acts of green with those from Bluevale and Jacob Hespeler, hopefully contributing 10 000 green acts to the wrdsb community.


It’s easy being green! Here are some tips for Earth Week:

  • Walk, bike, board or carpool to school
  • Pick up a piece of litter
  • Recycle and compost
  • Turn off the lights and open the curtains
  • Open a window instead of using AC
  • Use a travel mug or reusable water bottle
  • Eat a vegetarian meal (most breakfasts are anyway!)
  • Bring cloth/reusable bags when shopping
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  • Take a few minutes off your shower time
  • Turn off your car engine while waiting for someone (no idling)
  • Turn off lights/electronics in a room when leaving
  • Bring E-Waste to GPSS for proper recycling/disposal
  • Plant a Tree
