Checkout or Greenview Page for specific “Green” initiatives and a summary of Eco successes.

Meeting Time: Every Other Wednesday at lunch in D111

The Glenview Eco-Club is a group of staff and students that have come together to focus on the betterment of our environmental community. Guided by the Canada Eco-Schools Certification process,  the Eco-Club carries out in-school and community initiatives as well as facilitating environmental education and conservation campaigns.

The Glenview Eco-Club has supported the following activities over the past few years:


  • Walk to School Wednesday  
  • Waste Reduction Week
  • Holiday Re-Gift Table
  • Cozy Clothing Drive


  • E-Waste Drive
  • Take Back the Tap Water Conservation
  • Glenview Park Learns in the Dark (Earth Hour)


  • Earth Week Celebrations and Eco-Comp (multi-school challenge)
  • Eco-Schools Application Deadline (Complete Online)

New members are welcome to join at any time during the school year 🙂

“Unless someone like you CARES a whole awful lot, nothing is ever going to get better, it’s not!” ~ The Lorax (Dr. Seuss)